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Kids in Preschool

Apply Online or In Person

Click here to apply online


Print off a PDF application and return it to the school, or email it to Crystal De Boer at

Applications are also available at the school.

Other Things We Need

Bring the following documents into the school (we can make copies for you):

  • Proof of all income or other financial support the family receives. This could include, but is not limited to:

    • ​Pay Stubs​
    • A copy of the previous year's tax return
    • A written statement from your employer, or a letter of no income (State how your family pays bills)
    • Financial award letter, scholarships, grants, etc.
    • SSI statements, POWER or TANF statements, Proof of receiving SNAP

  • Birth Document for applying child. This could include:

    • birth certificate​

    • passport

    • immunization or medical record

  • Copy of Child's immunization record

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How are children selected?
    Once a complete application packet is turned in, a selection committee gathers to determine eligibility for each applicant. The committee may include Head Start staff, and members of the Board of Directors. The committee first looks at age and income eligibility, then will weigh a number of other circumstances that are in a child's life. We are able to accept 75 children, and maintain an active waitlist, all year-round.
  • How much does Head Start cost?
    Head Start is completely free for each and every family!
  • What will my child do at Head Start?
    While COVID-19 is present in our community, times look a little different, but our philosophy and practices remain the same. During this time, children are at school for a morning OR afternoon session. Each session is served lunch and either breakfast or an afternoon snack. Keep reading to hear more about what the day looks like. Our days are structured to foster development of the whole child, each day. Children arrive between 7:45 and 8:00, and are served a nutritious breakfast. In the morning, each classroom plans interactive, hands-on exploration opportunities where children practice academic skills, social skills, and actively build knowledge. These include activities in the classroom, in the gym, and on the playground! At 11:00 we serve lunch. Like at breakfast, children and teachers eat family-style. Teachers encourage children to try new foods, practice manners and self-help skills, and converse with eachother. After lunch, more learning opportunities are offered, as well as a rest-time where children are supported in calming their bodies, relaxing, and are allowed to take a nap-if needed. At 1:30, snack is served, similarly to the other meals. Children are then offered more activites to explore, and parents begin arriving around 2:00-2:45.
  • Does my child need to be potty trained?
    No! We accept children of all ability levels and skill-sets. Part of our curriculum is to teach independence and self-help skills. Potty training is part of this for some of our students.
  • What if my child has a disability or special need?
    Our highly-qualified teachers individualize all of their instruction. They adapt lessons and activities to each child's needs and ability-levels so that all children can be involved. If your child has a disability, we work with Developmental Preschool and Daycare specialists to provide your child with any services they may require. Furthermore, our health coordinator and kitchen staff ensure that all nutrition, allergy needs, and religious diets are accomodated for. When you do your face-to-face interview, simply let us know about these needs so we are prepared when your child starts school.
  • Will I need to provide supplies, lunch, or snacks? "
    No! We provide all school supplies and classroom materials. We also serve breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. All of our meals are prepared in-house, per CACFP guidelines to meet all of our children's nutrition and developmental needs.
  • Who do I talk to if I have a complaint?
    We welcome all feedback! If you have questions, comments, or concerns about a classroom matter, reach out to your teacher first. If you need further assistance, contact the Education Coordinator. If you have health, safety, or nutrition questions, comments, or concerns, contact the Health Coordinator. If you have questions, comments, or concerns reguarding family circumstances, enrollment, or attendance contact the Family/Community Partnership Coordinator, or your assigned Family Advocate. If you feel you need to speak directly to our director, she is always available by phone and/or appointment. Please call (307) 742-6792 to make an appointment.
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365 W Grand Ave                                           (307) 742-6792 

Laramie, WY 82070                                       Fax: (307) 742-5749

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