Sick Child Policy
Any child who cannot participate in regular classroom activities due to illness must stay home. Keeping your child home when they are sick will help to protect the health of ALL children and staff. If your child is ill and unable to attend school, please call the office at (307) 742-6792. If your child becomes ill or is injured during the school day, he/she may be sent home by the health coordinator or other staff. Reasons for a child to be sent home include:
Your child does not feel well enough to participate in ALL program activities.
Staff cannot adequately care for a child without compromising care of other children.
Your child requires medication such as Tylenol, to make it through the day.
If your child becomes ill while at school, we will follow these procedures:
Your child’s teacher will assess your child’s symptoms. The health coordinator will follow up with the teacher and your child to determine if they need to go home or see a doctor.
The parent or legal guardian will be notified immediately if the child needs to go home or see a doctor. If a parent cannot be reached, staff will call the emergency phone numbers listed on the Child Release Authorization form.
Illness Chart
Due to COVID-19 parents/guardians may be required to provide a doctor’s note clearing their child to return to school. This will be determined on a case by case basis. In accordance with the Wyoming State Department of Health and Wyoming Childcare Licensing, Head Start of Laramie will stand firm on this policy.
If your child has any of the following illnesses, please refer to the information below concerning when he/she can return to school: