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Family Services

At Head Start of Laramie, we feel that building strong relationships with our families is the key to helping the children succeed in school, and in all areas of life. We want to partner with families to ensure that we're all doing that we can to support each individual child. 

During a family's time with our Head Start program they will have an assigned Family Advocate. The Family Advocate will help your family get orientated with the program, answer any question, get families in touch with valuable resources, and work on a Family partnership agreement.


Building relationships with families is a key part of the family partnership process. We do this throughout the program year, starting with the intake process, orientations, parent events, and family partnership agreements. We want every family to feel supported, encouraged, and empowered while their children attend Head Start. We want every family to feel confident that their child is prepared to kindergarten. 

Application and Orientation

You can submit an application to enroll your child by clicking:

After submitting your application, a Family Advocate will be in contact with you for any follow-up questions and just to keep you informed. If your child is selected to attend Head Start a Family Advocate will assist you with the Orientation process and getting your child started in school.

Family Partnership Agreement

Throughout your time with Head Start your Family Advocate will meet with you. All families are offered an opportunity to participate in a family partnership agreement. As a part of this partnership, Head Start staff and parents learn from each other. Families can identify hopes and dreams for themselves and for their family and Head Start staff will work with the family to find ways to reduce/eliminate barriers to move towards those dreams.

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365 W Grand Ave                                           (307) 742-6792 

Laramie, WY 82070                                       Fax: (307) 742-5749

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