Jana O'Brien is our Health and Safety Coordinator, who took over the position in August of 2022. She is in charge of all of our children's health files, along with safety practices. Jana assists in monitoring active supervision. She also conducts all of our safety drills such as fire, tornado, lockdown, and inclement weather drills.
Immunization Record
Due within 30 days of your child starting school.
Lead Blood Test
Due within 90 days of your child starting school.
Dental Exam
Due within 90 days of your child starting school.
Child Wellness Exam
Due within 90 days of your child starting school.
Hemoglobin Test
Due within 90 days of your child starting school.
Developmental Exam
HSL will complete this after your child starts school.
The listed health requirements are required documents that all children need to attend Head Start of Laramie. If your child is currently enrolled, these documents need to be turned into the Health and Safety Coordinator as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about how to complete these requirements, please speak with Jana or your Family Advocate.
If you are applying for Head Start, or if your child is currently on the waitlist, please feel free to complete these requirements early.
Health Requirements
Building Lead Testing
Dear Head Start Community,
The health and safety of children and staff is of vital importance to us and we recently tested our facility’s drinking water to identify potential sources of lead in our plumbing system. As we learned, manufacturers were allowed to put up to 8% lead in plumbing materials until 2014 and many schools, daycares and homes may have unknowingly purchased these materials.
We wanted to take this opportunity to proactively investigate and update our infrastructure if needed. In our Head Start Facility, a total number of ten fixtures were sampled. 100 percent of those fixtures were below 15 ppb. We used this limit because 15 ppb is the USEPA’s regulatory limit for drinking water. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.
Jana O’Brien
Health/Safety Coordinator

Classroom Education on Health
Germ Fairy
Sometimes, Jana dresses up as the Germ Fairy and makes visits to our classrooms to teach and practice good hygiene routines. She teaches children about the importance of washing hands to keep germs away, how we should all wash our hands, and other ways to maintain hygiene.